Ready to Ambush

We have the Ambush Christmas party 12/18, Christmas and The New Year holidays and then I feel we’re about to embark on something spectacular.

The 2017 spring/summer season for Ambush softball!

This is about the time I start figuring out our slogan for the year.  I have a couple I’ve been switching back and forth on for a while now.  Our slogans have meaning conducive to what we’re wanting to accomplish for that year.  Prior years “We Believe”,  “I will NOT lose” & “Focus” are a few that came to mind.

The girls have come to anticipate our slogans and the accompanying speech that’s delivered at the first practice of every year.  This year will be on Sunday 1/8/17 at our in door facility.

For the older team, I’ve been texting myself little tidbits we need to work on in order to incorporate them into our preseason workouts.  More specifically, I want to get us better in our defensive short-hop & line drive game. We’ve worked on line-drives and short-hops over the years but I want to make it a point of emphasis this year as the competition is getting bigger and stronger.  I want them to learn how to protect themselves in those situations.  Our outfield coverages and relays need to be better.  I also want to get our bunting more consistent.

Our overall goals are to help mold great young women and to help use softball as a tool to get them into college at a free or discounted rate.  I think with the tools we’re giving them, the majority on the team have a great chance at a discounted college experience.  The fundamentals taught alone put them at an advantage against their peers.

Coach Craig Lester and I possess a lot of baseball/softball experience and we try teaching the girls every nuance we know about the game.  We really pride ourselves in the small details that make the girls better overall.  We’ve both been told numerous times by outside parents that their kid has learned so much just by being around us during whatever time-frame than at any point in thier softball tenure.  I’m not saying all of this to brag, I’m saying it’s just flattering to be noticed in such a way.  We both love giving back and appreciate the feedback.  It doesn’t go unnoticed.

Subject change: I’ll tell you what’s been flattering over the last couple of seasons.  We’ve had numerous people outside the team wanting to join our winter workouts.  They’ve always been cleared by their current team while some just weren’t on a roster at the time.  It’s flattering because it subliminally validates what we believe, what we do and how we prepare our girls.

This year, we’ve been overwhelmed by the number of requests to join us this preseason. As a result, I don’t think we’ll be able to take on many (if at all) due to the size of the facility constraints.  Before it was just big Ambush for the most part with extra girls.  Now it’s Little Ambush joining them this year as we’re switching the way we practice as previously mentioned in an earlier article.  So the space just will not be there.

Anyhow, We’d love to get to work with everyone that’s willing but I’m afraid it just won’t be possible this year.  However, our practices outside will possibly be open if interested in them as well.

For now, it’s about getting these girls ready to compete at the highest levels possible.  With their bodies getting bigger and more coordinated, I feel this will be a critical year for us to set the tone for years to come.

Starting to get EXCITED!

GO AMBUSH! #kcambush
