Tryout FAQ’s

Twitter: @KCAmbush – #KCAmbush #TrustTheProcess
816.914.8280 –

We’d like to thank you for allowing your daughter to attend KC Ambush tryouts. I apologize for the “book” in advance as this is REALLY long. Let’s get to it.

KC Ambush Teams:
Erick Shireman (Trent Scrutchfield & Catelyn Shireman): Head coach for KC Ambush 2011

Tommy DiiBon (Craig Lester): Head coach of KC Ambush 2012

Roger Garrett (asst. Katie Smith): Head coach of KC Ambush 2013
– Head of player development and fundamentals for organization.

TEAM HISTORY: We’ve made quite a name for KC Ambush over 10+ years. We’ve won at every level we’ve registered in and looking to build on our winning ways as we prepare for stiffer competition at the various levels.

WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: We’re looking for encouraged, athletic, dedicated and coachable people that possess a “DO or DO NOT” determination and attitude. You give us a player that’s coordinated, competitive and coachable and with your help, we’d like to believe we can make that player one of the top players in the metro. Having said that, we believe players are made in the offseason during downtime even more so than when we’re with them.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, we’re also looking for patient and drama free parents that won’t put too much stress on their kid, umpires or coaches during practices or games. No offense, but If you’re a parent that must yell or scold (out loud) your kid during tryouts, practices or games for any mistake they make… to be honest & no hard feelings, this organization isn’t for you. Otherwise, familiarize yourself with the parents of the teams at tryouts. Judge for yourself and ask them plenty of questions.

OUR COACHING STYLE: Very patient, technical, fundamentally sound but “OCD like.” Most importantly, we provide a fun learning environment! If they make a mistake, we view it as a teaching/learning opportunity to correct going forward. We understand that it takes time to correct the bad habits they’ve formed since beginning their softball careers and don’t expect them to correct mistakes overnight. Instead, we do expect them to gradually work at correcting the mistake. We’re HUGE on fundamentals as wrong techniques are our pet peeves. Whether it’s not turning their body properly for cut-offs or not having the proper grip on the ball when they throw, they’ll be consistently reminded about it. Your daughter WILL grow exponentially with Ambush within the year as our goal is to get them to where they want to be at the end of the season whether it’s with us or without us if they choose.  It’s really IS about their growth and development with us.

HOW MANY DO WE CARRY: We try to avoid more than 10. If they’re sitting, they’re not playing. If they’re not playing, they’re not learning. Us coaches enjoy being lonely in the dugouts when Ambush defense is on the field which brings us to our next question.

GUEST PLAYERS: Guest players bring too many problems/variables & will only be brought in out of necessity. We’d never pick up an 11th+ player just because they’re a “stud”. We are what we are and we go to battle with what we have. US! Win or lose! If we’re losing, it’s us coaches fault for not preparing KC Ambush for victory. We play the game a certain way and guest players tend to interrupt that and we try to avoid at all costs. However, should we need a guest player, they’re just that, a GUEST PLAYER! If said guest player is then the best player on our team(s), we start our own no matter what and the guest player doesn’t get priority as they haven’t put in the blood sweat and tears that our Ambush girls have during the course of a season.

The million $ question – SEASON EXPECTATIONS AND FEES:
Please understand that if offered a position with KC Ambush, ALL PLAYERS ARE REQUIRED to attend, WEEKLY hitting, pitching or catching lessons during the fall and the winter off-season (Usually taking the last fall tournament until the beginning of the year off). It’s no secret that we rarely work on any hitting or pitching at our practices. This allows us to focus on defensive strategies & fundamentals. Please consider this additional weekly expense before accepting any offer as ALL PLAYERS WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE to this standard. We can provide references if needed. Common lesson rates can be anywhere from $20-50/half hour. You will be expected to also put in your own time at home outside of practices and lessons.

As of now, all numbers are +/- $100. Final numbers will be given later as we’ll have to see about winter practice facilities and such. These estimates include all expenses for the entire fall through next summers season. Upon acceptance, a $500 non-refundable deposit will be needed ASAP to secure your spot as we’ll quickly need to order uniforms, bags, helmets, etc. The rest can be on a payment plan eventually due by November. The fees below cover everything outside of personal lessons for the fall/summer season.

All KC Ambush Teams: $1000-$1300 (9-11 tournaments) – No more out of pocket expenses outside of individual lessons.

WHEN WILL YOU BE NOTIFIED: Some immediately, others we may have to wait until 24 hours after the final tryout. Have friends that’d like to schedule a private tryout? Please have them contact us
