KC Urban Youth Academy (UYA)

I had the pleasure of working with our Police Athletic League  (PAL) Panther players again and it was just as rewarding as the first time.  Something about a yellow ball and some open dirt (turf) that allows me to just be in my element – coach mode.

This time, it was to help out with more fundamentals with concentrating on hitting. The first time we practiced, we worked on a 2 strike approach drill and the girls struggled with the basic swing with many often struggling to just make making contact.  This time, we broke down the basics of the swing for them. From stance, load, toe touch and backside closing to the ball they seemed to grasp it really well.

Totally didn’t expect it; but got my 15 seconds of fame (actually the last 4 seconds) in the process. Check out the news story here

These girls did awesome. I constantly was reminded of how, “it feels weird” which was music to my ears.  When  I hear that, it means they’re implementing my teachings instead of doing it their same old “comfortable” way.

The girls picked up the drills really quick and when it came time for live BP it was a COMPLETE 360 from the other day. They were hitting the ball with authority the “weird way”.

The ultimate reward though, “Thanks for coming! I learned so much today!”

ANYTIME! #KCAmbush #PALPanthersSoftball
